Something I learned when I was older:

Meet Bunrath Nath. This young man joined CCF way back in 2005 when he was a wee boy. He has always excelled, in study, ambition, sports and more. He is like a son to me.

Today, Bunrath is studying veterinary science and I am beyond proud of him.

When I was in high school, I had my heart set be a veterinarian (an animal doctor). However, I failed chemistry, didn’t have the money or the ability to be out of work for 5 years.

But my life has been the greatest adventure and I love the path it took.

And the lesson from this:
Someone so special to me has lived out my dream and it feels great!

You may not get what you want but you will get what you need.*

(*paraphrased from a Rolling Stones song).

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