
I spend much of my time getting all emotional about these successes. This little girl is no exception. I truly think the world of her – her spirit, light and humour.

CCF does provide these kids with amazing opportunities but the inspiration comes from the kids.

If you have always lived in Cambodia, you may not realize the remarkable nature of the children and youth here. The sense of enthusiasm and hope – and absence of the “victim mentality” – is fundamental to these success stories.

In the more affluent countries, the schools are very good (relatively speaking), the teachers well-trained, no-one is turned away and books and pencils are not hard to come by. The obstacle is motivating the child/youth to go to school.

My revelation back in 2003, when I first set foot on the squalid landfill was the begging of the kids – not for money, food, clothes etc but always “som tao rian”, “Please take me to study”. How can you say “no” to that?

For better or worse, that’s the root of our successes.

I’m off to have a teary moment… 🙂

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