
Highest award in Cambodia conferred on CCF Founder and Executive Director Scott Neeson

Scott Nesson, Founder of the Cambodian Children’s Fund and the Executive Director has been awarded the highest honour in Cambodia by order of King Norodom Sihamoni.

The Grand Order Of National Merit of Cheatopka was founded by King Norodom Sihanouk in October 1995.
It is only awarded to foreign Heads of State and to Cambodian nationals who have performed exceptional services to the nation. Scott Neeson was previously given Cambodian citizenship in recognition of his contribution to the country.

Based around two different Khmer design gold pieces, The Grand Order of National Merit of Cheatopka has only rarely been awarded.

“I am exceptionally honoured to receive this award,” said Scott Neeson.

“It is a very proud moment for me personally and for the Cambodian Children’s Fund.”

He added: “I would like to thank everyone who has supported me and CCF since the beginning back in 2004. We will continue to work to make a difference in the lives of Cambodia’s children, their families and the community.”

Presented on a long golden chain, The Grand Order of National Merit of Cheatopka has central badge enclosed in a gold wreath with the design of the Kingdom’s flag, horizontal blue, red and blue stripes, and an image of Angkor Wat in the centre.

CCF works in some of the most impoverished communities in Cambodia, centred around the former garbage dump at Steung Meanchey in Phnom Penh, with a belief that one child has the potential to lift an entire family out of poverty.

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