I think you will like this one a lot, especially the happy news shared below. I think you will want to share (and I hope you do).

This “bittersweet” video of a little girl, Nyta finding (and adopting) a pair of very large high heel shoes. It’s funny, touching, sweet – and it is sad that this harsh environment is still faced by too many of the children in our community.

But the happy news comes in two parts.

Firstly, I brought back a pair of hardly-used, fancy-neon running shoes from New York and gave them to her. (I have the photo but not the smarts to add an image to a video). The heels were soon back in the garbage.

Best of all, she is a remarkably smart wee girl and received a scholarship (with 4 other CCF littlies) to a high-end private school. Woo-hoo!

She is on track to a grand life, pulling her family up with her.

We are proud, her mother is proud and she will never need to scavenge again.

Here she is today!

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